One score and negative 12 years ago, an inquisitive dark-haired seafarer took it upon himself to design the world’s most affordable thruster, unaware of the profound ingenuity, camaraderie, and opportunity that lie ahead...

Emerging from a curious blend of necessity and intrigue, Blue Robotics specializes in being the coolest subsea robotics company of all time, designing and manufacturing tools and vehicles capable of answering your deepest burning questions about the liquid world around us. Have you ever dreamed of personally knowing the intricacies of our oceans as well as the water people of Avatar? We have. And straight from the belly of those outlandish dreams, Blue Robotics was born.

Since setting sail in 2015, Blue Robotics has developed hundreds of low-cost marine components from sensors and sonars to enclosures and penetrators. Our wide-eyed community of marine masterminds and eager explorers has expanded to thousands of seafaring innovators, while our BlueROV2 has explored waters off every continent.

Our mission of making advanced marine technology accessible to all mariners, near and far, novice and advanced, has opened the hatch for others to explore, innovate, and create… and we'd love to have you aboard!!

Current Openings